I love a good pair of on trend breeches to wear at home or out even though I am not an english rider, naturally I had to do a little checking into Equites. Equites is brand new and Gingi is getting ready to serve up breeches (named leather riders) and equestrian accessories with attitude. Learn a little more about the lady behind her brand.
Q. Tell us a little bit about your career background before launching Equites.
Gingi – I’ve been in clothing for so long now I think everything else before I created Equites was just a lot of practice.I’ve been a merchandiser, a buyer, asst designer, textiles designer, color forecaster, and even fit model. Equites is not my first conceptualization, but the first I’ve actually ever wanted to launch.
Q. Try to describe a typical day of work (if such thing exists) or your routine at Equites.
Gingi – Ha, it over exists at the moment. Being in the Southeast of Asia right now I can be up all hours of the day/night to try and keep up with working out of 4 time zones(LA/NY/Europe/Asia)Whether its intl. skype calls with advisors or other associates in the building of the brand or with my team of who are spread across the States currently and then back to myself. Im the crazy person who tries to handle all of them, building of the social media platforms and all that goes along with that monster of a ride.. and just as well, working on the development of the product in my factories. Oh I almost forgot I also am a consultant and production head for 3 other labels. Guess they say when you love what you do it’s not really work, it’s just life.
Q. Where do you find inspiration for your designs?
Gingi – Nature mainly. But riders and any really rockin at life individual. I like smart things. All of my pieces have a little extra something, making them functional. Its not enough to just make a hot jacket anymore. What does it do for you and what have you done for it, you know? When you bring nature into Fashion it lets you give back.Buying an Equites piece, you’re assured that you have purchased a piece of gear that’s been handled as naturally as possible and with care of sustainability to keep this planet going. Its so important we do this. In return for your buying decision and hard earned money, Equites let’s you give back and do the right thing, the way it was intended. So really nature is the majority of it.
Q. Running a business can be one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs, if you could go back five years and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
Gingi – Keep going!!!
Q. And just for fun, what is your favorite brand of riding boots?
Gingi – To be honest, the only boots I wear are my own right now. I have to make something then run around in it and try to wreck it so I can see what my customers will be experiencing.For riding of horses – The Bespoke Rider w Brass Capped toes.
For riding motorcycles – The bespoke Brass capped Ankle Boot.
Right now I’m wearing – the ¾ ht. studded military boots in chocolate & antiqued brass (pictured below).

To place an order or learn more about Equites feel free to shoot Gingi an email – gingi@equites.co.uk
Photos c/o Equites
NC Cowgirl says
Love those pants!!
Paula Walker says
Wow. Those pants are epic. Can’t wait to see what she comes out with!! Will definitely have to stay up with this lady! Wonderful interview! Thanks for turning is on to her!!