A new show season might have you out shopping for the essentials. Allow me to introduce you to Noble Outfitters, they offer practical products for the rider that won’t break the bank. Above are a few bags, you never know when you are going to need extra clothes or just a little more storage. Buy a bag and keep it packed with extra clothes and first items so you always have it. Extra hoof picks are always a good thing to have in the barn and trailer. Is it just me or do they always seem to walk off? A knife for opening hay bales or other tasks is a do. Picture on the right is the Viper Pocket Knife available in many cool colors. Noble Outfitters sent me the knife with zebra print and it has been awesome, plus I love the girly touches.
One extra pair of socks or a pair of riding socks is not enough! Whether you ride english or western, you can use a pair of these. The material is light weight, breathable and keeps you comfortable all day long. I tried the Over The Calf Peddies with lace print (bottom) and was impressed with their thin and breathable technology. Ps. I also wore these socks when I went running and they were perfect so don’t limit them to just the barn if you are an active person like I am. Stay tuned for more from Noble Outfitters.
[…] clothing be sure to visit Noble Outfitters online. They also have great basics too, remember the Horse Show Essentials feature? Stock up on all-around boots, fly masks, and […]